
Congratulations! Looks like your food or beverage business has been nominated to receive a Friday-Freebie!

What is it you say?

Well, once a month on a Friday, we put up a post on our Instagram inviting anyone to nominate a food or beverage business (or they can nominate themselves) to receive a Friday-Freebie.

Any business that wishes to be nominated will need to fill out the form below, to introduce their business to us, and to give us a few more details (styles they like etc). No point in creating content that doesn’t fit your vibe, right?

Any nomination forms will need to be done before the next Tuesday, and we will choose a business, purchase the products we are interested in creating content for, create the content and surprise them with it! Yay!

So, if you’re interested in participating, fill out the form below as best you can. If you know someone that would be interested, give them a nudge on Instagram, and let them know they’ve only got until Tuesday!

Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok etc
Are there any existing images (yours or on the internet), that you would like to show us for inspiration? Anything that reflects that style of content you want created. Please post a link to them here.
Please enter any other information you would like us to know here - this includes anything you explicitly want in your content AND things you definitely DON'T want. We will try and accommodate these if possible.

Terms & Conditions:

  1. This freebie is open to any food or beverage business based in New Zealand only – Shipping to Tauranga must be possible, unless local to Tauranga.
  2. Content created will be at the discretion of the Foodographer, and any content created will be copyright to the Foodographer. The Foodographer grants the chosen business a non-exclusive licence to use the created content for their social media.
  3. Content will be supplied to the chosen business only in edited form, and any changes to the final content is not permitted without written permission from the Foodographer.
  4. The chosen business acknowledges that the Foodographer always retains the right to use the created content in any manner, at any time, and in any part of the world.
  5. The determination of the chosen business by the Foodographer will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
  6. The chosen business takes the created content entirely at his/her own risk and indemnifies the Foodographer in respect of any claim for any loss of business, loss of income, accident, injury, property damage or loss of life that may occur in connection with the created content. The chosen business is responsible for all insurance, tax or other costs that may be associated with the chosen content.
  7. The Foodographer reserves the right to amend, vary, extend or discontinue this Promotion at any stage, for any reason.
  8. Participation in this Promotion is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.